AA -S (n) /ɑ.ɑ/ kind of lava (Hawai’ian)
AB -S (n) abdominal muscle
AD -S (n) advertisement
AE (number) one
AG -S (n) agriculture
AH, AAH, -S, -ED, -ING (v) to exclaim ah
AI -S (n) kind of sloth
AL -S (n) kind of tree
AM (v) be
AN (determiner) a certain one
AR -S (n) the letter r
AS (preposition)
AT (preposition)
AW (interjection) That’s cute.
AX (v) -ES, -ED, -ING, AXE use an axe
AY -S, AYE -S (n) /ɑɪ/ vote of yes
BA -S (n) the soul (Egyptian)
BE (v) copular verb
BI -S (n) bisexual
BO -S (n) friend
BY -S, (n) pass, BYE -S (n) side issue
DE of, from (in names)
DO (n) -S kind of note, (v) -ES, -EST, -ST, -ETH, -TH default verb
ED -S education
EF -S, EFF -S the letter f
EH (interjection) Isn’t it?
EL -S elevated train
EM -S the letter m
EN -S the letter n
ER, UH, UM (interjection) I’m thinking.
ES -ES, ESS, -ES the letter s
ET (v) ate
EX (v) -ES, -ED, -ING to cross out
FA -S kind of note
GO (n) -S Japanese game, (v) -ES, -ING, GWINE, -NE going
HA -S (n) an exclamation of ha
HE -S (n) a male
HI (interjection) Hello!
HM, HMM (interjection) I’m thinking.
HO (interjection) Give me your attention.
ID -S (n) part of the psyche
IF -S (n) possibility
IN (v) -S, -NED, -NING to harvest
IS (v)
IT -S (pronoun)
JO (n) -ES sweetheart
KA -S the spiritual self (Egyptian)
KI -S see QI
LA -S (n) kind of note
LI -S (n) unit of distance (Chinese)
LO (interjection) Behold!
MA -S mother
ME (pronoun)
MI -S kind of note
MM (interjection) Yummy!
MO -S moment
MU -S Greek letter
MY (pronoun)
NA, NAE, NAH no, not
NE born with the name of
NO -S, -ES (n) a negative reply
NU -S Greek letter
OD -S force of natural power
OE -S whirlwind (Faeroese)
OF (preposition)
OH, OOH -S, -ED, -ING to exclaim oh
OI, OY (interjection) Give me your attention!
OM -S kind of mantra (Sanskrit)
ON -S the on side of a wicket (cricket)
OP -S optical art
OR -S gold in heraldry (French)
OS (n) ORA orifice (Latin)
OS (n) OSSA bone (Latin)
OS (n) OSE, OSES, OSAR (Swedish), ESKER -S, ESKAR -S (Irish) ridge of sand and gravel
OW (interjection) This hurts!
OX (n) -EN kind of mammal, (n) -ES clumsy person
OY, OI (interjection) Give me your attention!
PA -S father
PE -S Hebrew letter
PI -S Greek letter, -ES, -ED, -ING, -EING to jumble
QI -S /tʃi/ life force (Chinese)
RE -S kind of note
SH, SHA (interjection) Be quiet!
SI -S see TI
SO -S, SOL -S kind of note
TA (interjection) Thank you.
TI -S, SI -S kind of note
TO (preposition)
UH, UM, ER (interjection) I’m thinking.
UM, UH, ER (interjection) I’m thinking.
UN -S (n) one
UP -S, -PED, -PING raise
US (pronoun)
UT -S, DO -S kind of note
WE (pronoun)
WO -S woe
XI -S /ksi, zi, zɑɪ/ Greek letter
XU /su/ former coin of Vietnam (Vietnamese)
YA, YE (pronoun) you
YE, YA (pronoun) you
YO (interjection) Give me your attention!
ZA -S pizza
updated 19 August 2013